Website Contacts

Contacts Master List

Last edited 9/30/2020
Tentaroo makes it easy to manage your council contacts with our contacts master list, found in the blue bar at the top of the website editor. Create, edit, or delete contact cards here or in the page editor Contacts card. Any updates made to contact information in the master list are automatically reflected everywhere those contacts are displayed on the website.

Search Options

You can find existing contacts by selecting the correct category from the dropdown, and searching for the name.

Click on the Advanced Filter button to display the "Show Deleted" toggle. Click on the toggle to turn it on (orange) and you can then restore previously deleted contacts.

Create a NEW Contact

To add a new contact, click on the green NEW button, then enter information on the contact card. Some of the fields are required and some are optional - look for "OPTIONAL" in the top right of the field. Listed below are the items that appear on the website for each contact if completed.

  • Name - Enter full name and suffix as you wish it to appear on your site.
  • Title/Position - Enter any title you wish displayed for the contact. If a staff member has multiple roles, a separate contact can be created for each and displayed where appropriate.
  • Phone - If you want a phone number displayed for the contact, be sure to list it here, not under "Mobile." Mobile phone is not currently displayed on the website.
  • Email - Entering an email allows users to click on a contact's name and be taken to a contact request form.
  • Category - Categories are for internal organization. Category options are pre-set.
  • Photo - Contact Photos are necessary for photo layout (see below). Drag and drop your image file or click the file button to upload an image.
  • Optional Information - All other fields can be used to store information internally, but will not be displayed to the public.

Make sure to click "CREATE ACCOUNT" before continuing.

Manage Existing Contacts

The three dot menu on the right of the contact card allows you to preview, edit, or delete the contact. You can also edit from within the preview pane, and delete from within the editor pane.

Learn How to Manage Contacts in the Page Editor


We are always happy to assist with website training.


Anika Koch

Anika Koch


(888) 651-0153 x702

Anika Koch

Anika Koch

Director of Customer Service

(888) 651-0153 x702