Requirements Taught at Camp

All the requirements for each merit badge are now available in a master list that remains constant even as you customize which requirements you are teaching at your events. With just a few clicks, you can hide those requirements you are not teaching to streamline later efforts at entering completion records as well as to clearly communicate to unit leaders, parents, and Scouts what exactly they will be working on at camp.

Setting Requirements Taught is an important step with several benefits:

  • Instructor Class Rosters will show only the requirements being taught so they won’t be miles long.
  • The Enter Requirements Completed tool will default to "Show Requirements Taught at Camp," which filters the list to just your select requirements.
    • You can Manage the requirements for individual participants and change the dropdown at the top of this box to "Show All Requirements" so you can select extra requirements for a particular Scout.
    • Units will know for a fact which requirements are taught at your event and which specific requirements their Scouts completed, including those "Complete 3 of the following" type conditions.
  • Units can download our new Scoutbook file which they can upload into that program to quickly give their Scouts credit for the work they did at camp. Our data matches that in Scoutbook so the Tentaroo data will be added cleanly to the Scoutbook records.


Class Types

Requirements taught at camp are set at the Class Type level. To access the Class Type library, go to any event in your system and select the Classes section in the blue nav bar, then select Class Types under that.

These Class Types are shared within the system, so if you have the same merit badge taught at multiple events with different requirements, set up merit badge class types for each, i.e. "Archery - Summer Camp" and "Archery - MBU".

Merit Badge Master List

When setting up a new Class Type for a merit badge, you will need to use the Select button to bring up the master list of merit badges. These master merit badges are current with the latest version of the requirements per the National Council and display the version year in this list. The version is locked in for the class once you start marking requirements as completed.

Use the magnifying glass at the top to search for your merit badge by name. Click on a merit badge to select it.

Edit Class Type

For an existing class type, open the editor screen either by clicking on the class type card or using the three dot concept menu to select Edit.

Confirm that a merit badge from our master list is selected, then scroll down to the Requirements Taught section.

Requirements Taught

Merit badge class types default to showing all requirements for that badge.

You can customize your requirements for a specific event by either clicking the X on the requirements not taught at this event or by using the Manage button.


The Manage button opens a box with a complete list of requirements and their descriptions. This also explains conditions for the badge, such as "Complete ONE of the following:" followed by a list of options to choose from.

Uncheck any requirements not taught at your event and save to commit your changes.

Customized Requirements List

Specifying the requirements at your event shortens this list and makes it easier to track completion during and after your event. For example:

  • Instructor Class Rosters are shorter, take less paper, and are easier to fill out.
  • The Enter Requirements Completed tool shows your custom requirements list, making it faster and easier to enter data.


We are always happy to assist with training.