Form Builder Login and Permissions

The Form Builder login is separate from your primary Tentaroo system. Instead of each administrator having their own admin account and login credentials, Form Builder accounts are set up with one shared account for each council. This shared account has a single set of credentials that all approved admins use.

Since these credentials are shared, we advise limiting access to a few trained individuals who are responsible for building and maintaining your council's forms. Training can be handled internally or users can schedule Form Builder training with us.

To change the password for your Form Builder account, such as when someone with the login leaves the council, send us a support request with either your new secure password or to ask us to set a new secure password for you. This change must be approved by your council's primary system administrator.

The Form Builder login URL is

Contact your council's primary Form Builder administrator to request access to your Form Builder account.


We are always happy to assist with training.