Facility Types

Last edited 10/12/2020
Facility Types contain the master settings shared among all such facilities, such as Campsites, and make it easy to create multiple facilities with minimal work.

Set up your Facility Type, i.e. Cabins, and then set up the individual Facilities, i.e. Bear Cabin.

Setting Up Facility Types


The name of the Facility Type, i.e. Cabin, Campsite, Lodge, Climbing Wall, etc.

Name In Plural

The plural version is used to describe multiple facilities/excursions of this type. If the name of this type is Cabin, enter Cabins for the plural name.

Show As

Select Accommodation if this option is a facility such as a campsite, cabin, or building. Select Activity if this is an excursion such as a climbing wall or day hike.

Allow Overlapping Groups

Select to allow multiple reservations at the same time. For example, you might use this for a climbing wall, day hike, or other excursion. NOTE: facility capacity is not currently enforced for multiple groups, but only within one group.


Use this to describe general facilities of this type. You will be able to add a facility-specific description when building a facility. The description added on this tab will appear as a second paragraph after the specific facility description.

Facility Map

To show a map of the facilities of this type, enter the online address of the appropriate map. Map files can be uploaded to Resources in your Tentaroo website or minisite.

Notify Contacts

You may specify up to two additional names and e-mail addresses to receive notifications of reservations for facilities or excursions of this type. NOTE: The Primary Contact can be changed under Settings for facilities at this location. The Primary Contact will also receive notifications.

Check-In/Out Time

The time your guests are allowed into the facility and the time by which they must checkout. For excursions, the wording changes to Start/End Time.

Next Day

Toggle this if the facility is reserved overnight. NEW! This can now be changed after the facility type is saved.


The master list of available attributes for facilities of this type. For example, add “Kitchen” to the Cabin Facility Type for the option to show whether or not each cabin has a kitchen. 

Attribute Options for Facility Types

Attributes can be created at the Facility Type and assigned at the individual facility. You can also create, edit, and delete attributes at the individual facility. The Facility Type will include the complete list of all the Attributes available within the Facility Type.

New Attributes can added in the future as capital improvements are made, such as adding a shower house or electricity.


We are always happy to assist with facility reservation training.