Discounts & Pricing Overrides

Last updated 9/15/2022
The Tentaroo pricing system is very flexible with several possible ways of overriding standard event rates, with benefits and limitations for each approach. This page consolidates our recommendations and best practices to help councils determine which method to use in different scenarios.

Council event fee structures can be complex, please reach out to us for guidance.

Why so many options? Using the methods outlined on this page to track pricing changes promotes accurate bookkeeping and clear communication with your units and families about the rates and discounts they are getting.

What kind of discount/adjustment are you looking for? Please note that some discounts/adjustments can be handled in multiple ways.

Looking for:

  • Camperships
  • Sibling Discount
  • Crossover Scout Discount
  • Partial Leader Discount/Prorated Amount


Individual Options - Increase or reduce rates for individuals.

Individual Options

Looking for:

  • Discounts applied to spots in the registration, can be capped at a specific number of spots
    • FOS Fundraising Goal
    • On-Time Recharter Discount
  • Extra fees applied to spots, i.e. per person Early Arrival fees, tent usage fees


Group Options - Increase or reduce rates for spots for all or part of the group. Only available if your Registration Method is either Just Numbers or Numbers and Names. Otherwise, Pricing Tiers can be used. 

Group Options

Looking for:

  • Crossover Scout Discount
  • Sibling Discount
  • Staff
  • High Adventure Program
  • Gender (Just Numbers events)
  • Cohorts or Tracks


Participant Types - Set different rates for different types of participants.

Participant Types

Looking for:

  • Out of Council Rates
  • Provisional Scouts
  • On-Time Recharter Discount
  • Lock-in Last Year's Rates
  • Met FOS Fundraising Goal


Pricing Tiers - Assign groups to special pricing rates applicable for multiple events.

Pricing Tiers

Looking for:

  • Changing the number of participants allotted early, base, or late rates.
  • Manually changing the number of free leaders.


Manual Overrides - Adjust rates manually for certain types of event registrations. Only applies if you lock-in pricing based on Date of Registration.

Manual Overrides

Looking for:

  • Pricing by Date - Early, base, and late rates
  • Free Leader Ratios
  • Partial Week Leader prorated rates
  • Discount Codes


Special Cases - Situations that fall into one or more method or that require more manual control.

Special Cases


Individual Options


  • Camperships
  • Sibling Discount
  • Crossover Scout Discount
  • Partial Leader Discount/Prorated Amount - see also Special Cases

Why use this method?

Registration options for individuals are set up under classes for events that gather either Just Names or both Numbers and Names and can be configured to allow self-registration or to be admin assigned, though are usually admin-only. Options allow you to reduce or increase participant rates.


Additional Resources

Benefits Limitations
If the recipient cancels, the adjustment is automatically removed. Named registrant required; cannot be applied to a spot.
Admins can manually override amount for each recipient. Must be applied to each named participant. Can be time consuming.
Use for either a discount or an add-on fee. Generally admin-only.
Doesn't get recorded as an entry in Payment History. Does not support percentage discount, only dollar amount.
Communicates to users why they got a discount.  
Easy to set up.  
Options appear on invoices to explain rate changes.  
Admin-only options are not displayed to groups on the Event Info page.  
Discounted amounts are applied as "early money" and may decrease participant rates.  



Group Options


  • Discounts applied to spots in the registration, can be capped at a specific number of spots
    • FOS Fundraising Goal
    • On-Time Recharter Discount
  • Extra fees applied to spots in the registration, can be capped at a specific number of spots
    • Per person Early Arrival fees
    • Tent usage fees
    • Meal options

Why use this method?

Group Options are adjustments to the rates for spots, making it a breeze to add extra discounts or fees. Unlike Pricing Tiers, which can be assigned to the group prior to registration, Group Options are added to a specific registration by either the group or by an admin. Group Options are only available if your Registration Method is either Just Numbers or Numbers and Names. Otherwise, Pricing Tiers can be used. Group Options can be set up to allow self-registration or can be restricted to admin-only. 

Group Options can be easily added in the Numbers Wizard and default to applying to all spots (Youth, Adult, or both) but can also be overridden by an admin to only apply to a specific number of spots - groups cannot override their own group options.

You can give the option a specific title that appears in the registration and on the invoice to help track what adjustments have been made.

Once you build a registration option, you can import it into any other event in the system so all of your settings will be correct and you don't have to recreate it each time. Do a quick confirmation of settings and you are ready to apply it.



Additional Resources


Benefits Limitations
Applies to all spots by default or can be capped at a specific number of spots. Discounts are best administered by an admin so a group may be charged full price upfront.
Different events can have different discounts through options. Cannot specify specific participant types.
Admins can override to a different discount amount per group. Only available for events that use numbers.
Early, base, and late rates are still enforced, and the option applies equally to all.
Applies to just Youth spots, just Adult spots, or all spots. Applies to spots, not an overall discount amount for the group.
Options appear on invoices to explain rate changes. Does not support percentage discount, only dollar amount.
Admin only options are not displayed to groups on the Event Info page.  
Discounted amounts are applied as "early money" and may reduce your group's overall rates.  



Participant Types


  • Crossover Scout Discount
  • Sibling Discount
  • Staff
  • High Adventure Program
  • Gender (Just Numbers events)
  • Cohorts or Tracks

Why use this method?

Participant Types are an integral part of the event type setup, and you can add as many youth and adult participant types as you need. Each participant type in each pricing tier can have unique early, base, and late rates, and individual classes can be customized to be available to specific participant types. You can also set capacities for each participant type, the pricing will be displayed to users as they register, and participant types are included in the invoices for clear communication. These can be self-selected by units and families as they register, reducing admin workload.

Each Event Type can have its own set of Participant Types to collect the best data, making this a very flexible and useful tool for offering different rates.



Additional Resources


Benefits Limitations
Clearly displayed to end-users during registration. Always displayed - cannot limit exposure.
Self-administered. Cannot make admin-only.
Can set a capacity or leave open. Cannot limit to 0 or disable for a single event.
Set custom early, base, and late rates. Works in combination with Pricing Tiers.  
Custom tracks for individual classes.  



Pricing Tiers


  • Out of Council Rates
  • Provisional Scouts
  • On-Time Recharter Discount
  • Lock-in Last Year's Rates
  • Met FOS Fundraising Goal

Why use this method?

Pricing tiers are used to define different rates for different groups. For example, each system has two tiers initially - "Default / In-Council" and "Out of Council" - which allows the council to set different rates for units from other councils. The Out of Council pricing tier only needs to be enabled for event types where the pricing is different, otherwise everyone gets the Default / In-Council rates.

Group Options can also be used for many of these discounts if your Registration Method is either Just Numbers or Numbers and Names. Please contact us if you need help deciding between Group Options and a Pricing Tier for your discount.

Additional tiers can be added by request, and would be available just like the Out of Council tier. Enable a tier for an event that is offering a special rate, disable it when not applicable. The groups assigned to this events pricing tier would automatically get the correct rates without any admin management.

For example, let's say that groups that met their FOS goal last year are granted a 5% discount on all council level events this year. Ask us for an FOS pricing tier and assign groups that met their goal to that group. In each eligible event, turn on the FOS tier and set the pricing to an amount that is 5% lower than the regular rates for early, base, and late rates.

Additional Information


Note: you can check which pricing tiers each account is assigned to with the Groups report, currently found in the system reports in the Tentaroo Legacy AIR App.

Additional Resources


Benefits Limitations
All registrants get the set rate automatically. A group can only be set to one events pricing tier at a time.
Pricing differences can be applied to select participant types. A group can only be set to one facilities pricing tier at a time.
When an event doesn't have this pricing tier enabled, all groups get the Default / In-Council rate. Applies to all spots/names so you cannot limit to a number of spots.
You can set up as many pricing tiers as you need and enable only those you need for each event type. Groups getting a discount for a set time frame (all events in a given year) would have to remain in the pricing tier until all registrations for the year are complete.
The group cannot set or change their own pricing tier. Does not appear on the invoice to explain different rates.
Set early, base, and late rates for each pricing tier.  
Groups see only their rates during registration.  



Manual Overrides


  • Changing the number of participants allotted early, base, or late rates.
  • Manually changing the number of free leaders.

Why use this method?

When your event type locks-in pricing based on Date of Registration, you are able to directly override pricing, without using Individual or Group Options. Event Types that use Just Names always lock-in pricing based on Date of Registration, and Just Numbers and Names and Numbers registrations can choose to lock-in pricing based on Date of Registration*. These kind of events do not recalculate pricing automatically so your manual overrides are not lost during changes.

We recommend only changing rates manually when the applicable rate changes, not for other discount reasons like camperships.

You can override rates directly in either the Numbers Wizard for events that use numbers, or the Names Wizard for Just Names events. Only spots or names already purchased will get the overridden rates. Please go to the Instructions for more details on how to do this.


*The default method of locking-in pricing for events that use numbers is Date Paid in Full. When an event is set to lock-in pricing based on Date Paid in Full, rates are automatically calculated by the system and cannot be directly changed. Group Options or Individual Options are the best ways to manage pricing for these events.

Benefits Limitations
Does not appear on invoices to explain rate changes.
Quickly change the early, base, and late rate for participants. New registrants or spots are not granted the adjusted rate automatically.
Free leader ratios for Numbers events are still enforced. Not to be used for most discounts, only for changing rates (early/base/late).
Rate adjustments are admin-only. Only available for events that base pricing on Date of Registration.



Special Cases

Situations in this section have multiple solutions depending on how your event is set up.


  1. Early, Base, and Late rates
  2. Free Leader Ratios
  3. Partial Week Leader prorated rates
  4. Discount Codes
  5. FOS / Fundraising goal discount

1. Early, Base, and Late Rates

Tentaroo locks in pricing in one of two ways: Date of Registration or Date Paid in Full. If your pricing schedule differs from either of those in how you calculate rates, such as they get the early rate if they pay half by a set date, you may need to override rates instead of using our default pricing.

Which method(s) should I use when rates are based on Date of Registration?

  • Default - Rate is set when a registration is added.
  • Manual Overrides - We recommend only changing rates manually when setting whether the early, base, or late rate should be given. Don't use for other rate change reasons like camperships, those should use a Registration Option.
  • Registration Option - To communicate the reason for the rate change to the group, you can use a Group Option or Individual Option to adjust the registration fees; these will be displayed on the invoice.
    • Group Options - Most commonly used for this type of override, can override the pricing for more than one spot at once.
    • Individual Options - Alternate method, applies to a specific participant.

Which method(s) should I use when rates are based on Date Paid in Full?

  • Default - Rate is set when spot is paid for in full.
    • Note: When your rates go up you'll need to use the Recalcuate Pricing tool to update pricing for spots that haven't been paid in full. More information here
  • Registration Option - To communicate the reason for the rate change to the group, you can use a Group Option or Individual Option to adjust the registration fees; these will be displayed on the invoice.
    • Group Options - Most commonly used for this type of override.
    • Individual Options - Alternate method, applies to a specific participant.
    • Note: registration options are always counted as "early money," so if you are applying a lot of discounts in this way, the group's rates may decrease overall.
  • Backdate Payments - You can override payment dates to a date before the rate increased either when applying an At Council / Other payment, or by modifying a previous order. You will then need to recalculate pricing for the group's registration for the new pricing to take effect.

2. Free Leader Ratios

Which method(s) should I use?

  • Automated Free Leaders - For events that use Numbers, Tentaroo can automate your free leader ratios, i.e. for every 5 youth, the group gets 1 free adult, etc. Click here to request free leader ratios for an event type.
    • Note: this is the easiest method of adding free leader ratios, but if your event is a Just Names event or if your rules are more complex, i.e. only in-council units get free leaders or leaders get a partial discount, another method might be better suited to your leader discounts.
  • Registration Option - To communicate the reason for the rate change to the group, you can use a Group Option or Individual Option to adjust the registration fees; these will be displayed on the invoice.
    • Group Options - Most commonly used for this type of override.
    • Individual Options - This is a good choice for Just Names events that are not eligible for our automated free leader ratios.
  • Manual Overrides - For an event that locks-in pricing based on the Date of Registration, it may be faster to manually override the number of free leaders at check-in, however automated free leaders or registration options are better choices for pre-camp changes since manually overriding rates does not clearly communicate why the adjustment was made. If you do elect to manually override for your leader discounts, it is best to include details in the Group Notes field in the Numbers Wizard (event must use Numbers) and/or in the Payment Notes field during checkout.

3. Prorated Rates for Partial Week Leaders

Which method(s) should I use?

  • Individual Registration Options - Suitable for Just Names and Numbers and Names events. Contact Tentaroo if you need partial week adults for a Just Numbers event.
    • Set the full price for Adult participants at the Event.
    • Set up registration options under classes to choose number of days in camp.
      • Use the same Time Block and All Days for all options so the user can only choose one.
      • Each option reduces the full amount by the discounted amount and can be self-selected once Names registration begins.
        • Example: Adult registration is $100. One day in camp is $20, so the "Partial Week - 1 Day" option is set to -$80 to reduce the registration to $20. 
    •  Similar to the camperships example, the adjustment is labeled and tied to the name, so if the participant cancels, the discount is automatically removed and a new participant will go in at full price.
    • Use in combination with the "Days in Camp" feature for named adult participants to collect which days they are attending.
    • Supports all custom proration combinations.
  • Manual Overrides - For an event that locks-in pricing based on the Date of Registration, it may be faster to manually override the number of discounted leaders at check-in, however individual registration options are better choices for pre-camp changes since manually overriding rates does not clearly communicate why the adjustment was made. If you do elect to manually override for your leader discounts, it is best to include details in the Group Notes field in the Numbers Wizard (event must use Numbers) and/or in the Payment Notes field during checkout.

4. Discount Codes

We often get asked about discount codes, whether we have them or might add them someday, and at this time we do not have them and are not planning on building a discount code system in the future. While Tentaroo does not offer discount codes, specifically, we have several options that serve the same purpose and have advantages over setting up and maintaining codes:

Advantages - Tentaroo Methods Disadvantages - Discount Codes
Quick, easy setup for each discount method. Time consuming to program and maintain a library of codes.
Specific options and features to meet a variety of needs. One size fits all.
Discount is automatic in some cases, such as Pricing Tiers. Coupon has to be applied.
Better accounting - track eligible groups, GL accounts, amounts granted, etc. What GL should the coupon be applied to? More complex for accounting.
Customize discount amounts granted to each group. One code = one discount type, requiring a different code for each version.
Discounts are created as needed, and applied immediately. Coupons can be shared. Also users can forget to apply coupons.


Please reach out to us for support or schedule training if you would like to discuss options for your discounting needs.

Which method(s) should I use?

  • Registration Option - To communicate the reason for the rate change to the group, you can use a Group Option or Individual Option to adjust the registration fees; these will be displayed on the invoice.
    • Individual Options - This is a good choice for events that use Names. Similar to the camperships example, the adjustment is labeled and tied to the name, so if the participant cancels, the discount is automatically removed and a new participant will go in at full price.
    • Group OptionsCan similarly be used to apply a discount to the whole group or to just youth or just adults. Apply the discount to all eligible spots, even new spots, or an admin can limit the discount to a set number of spots.
  • Pricing tiers - If a group is eligible for a discount on many events, you can set up and assign them to a custom pricing tier.
    • No discount code is required, the group automatically gets the correct pricing when they register.
  • Discount Request Registration Option - 
    • A no-cost "request" Individual Option or Group Option can work much like a discount code wherein the group can choose it but it still gives the council the control to approve requests and modify them to be the correct discount amount.
  • Discount Request Custom Field - create a discount request field for group to ask for discount, then admin can apply discounts to eligible groups using registration options.
    • Custom Participant field + admin-only Individual Option:
      • For events that ask for names, we can add additional fields to your youth and/or adult participants where they can request a discount.
      • An admin can then apply the discount to eligible participants via a registration option after the registration begins.
    • Group Notes field + admin-only Group Option:
      • For events that ask for numbers, you can turn on the group notes field under Event Type Settings and add a custom prompt to request a discount.
      • An admin can then apply the discount to eligible groups via a registration option after the registration begins.



We are always happy to assist with training.