Building a Class Schedule
Last edited 4/30/2021
Tentaroo classes are an integral part of our Events Module. Classes can be set up for each individual or for the whole group and offer custom settings to prevent schedule conflicts, manage waitlists, apply camperships and discounts, and more.
In the class tab, you can:
- build your class schedule by adding or importing classes from any other event.
- add/modify/delete current classes.
- build or import timeblocks.
- add/modify/delete Class Types. This is a shared feature for all Events in your system.
For event administrators, there are additional topics that are important to master.
- Time Blocks
- Class Types
- Building classes
- Setting up camperships and discounts
- Waitlists
- Registering for group classes in the Numbers Wizard
- Registering for individual classes in the Names Wizard
- Adding unscheduled classes
- Entering requirements completed
We are always happy to assist with event registration training.